American Experience: Vietnam – Information about the costs and consequences of a controversial but intriguing war, including a timeline, information about key players, primary sources, maps, a teacher’s guide and more.
American History – Resources about local history, Oregon Trail and Lewis and Clark, as well as ancient cultures and their mythology, and information about the European Middle Ages and Renaissance.
American Presidency Project – Over 75,000 documents related to the study of the presidency, including election data, speeches, video clips, search options, and more.
America’s Library – Limited scope, but good info, including music from various eras, state info and American profiles.
Biography of America – Video series about America, but has links to primary and secondary source references on the material shown.
California Gold Rush Treasure Hunt – An online treasure hunt sharing information about California’s Gold Rush.
California History Website – The history of California.
FactFinder Kids’ Corner! – United States census information listed by state.
Jamestown, Quebec, Santa Fe: Three North American Beginnings – A closer look at some of the Native and European artifacts that have survived from all three North American settlements – founded within a 3-year time period.
Mapping the Pacific Coast – Historic Map Collection – Maps of the Pacific Coast from the earliest period of European Exploration, including 45 maps, books, and illustrations organized into 6 thematic galleries.
National Archives and Records Administration – Primary source documents and information for the United States. – State information, maps, symbols, pictures, and more.
Our Documents – 100 milestone documents of American history.
Star-Spangled Banner – Ideas and materials related to the Star-Spangled Banner, including the War of 1812, the poem that became the song, conservation, the people involved, and the symbolism of the American flag.
Stately Knowledge – Basic state facts and information.
States and Capitals – Basic information on the 50 states with links to other information.
U.S. Latino History and Culture – Information from the Smithsonian museum related to United States Latino history and culture.
U.S. States – Information and trivia about the 50 states.
United States History – Information and trivia on United States history.
United States History – Trivia – Great multiple-choice trivia questions WITH explanations!
US 50 – A guide to the fifty states – More information on each of the 50 states.
USA Label Me! Printouts – Printable US maps and other state things to color and label.