Copyright and Plagiarism

Scary Mary – A re-edited promo clip for the movie “Mary Poppins” – turning it into a horror film…

Digital Citizenship Education – Free, turnkey instructional program designed to create an awareness of the rights connected with creative content.

Play It Cyber Safe – Curriculum and resources to prevent cyber crime through knowledge of the law, our rights and how to avoid misuse of the Internet.

Teaching Copyright – Teaching Copyright provides lessons and ideas for opening your classroom up to discussion, letting your students express their ideas and concerns, and then guiding your students toward an understanding of the boundaries of copyright law.

In five distinct lessons, students are challenged to:

  • Reflect on what they already know about copyright law.
  • See the connection between the history of innovation and the history of copyright law.
  • Learn about fair use, free speech, and the public domain and how those concepts relate to using materials created by others.
  • Experience various stakeholders’ interests and master the principles of fair use through a mock trial.